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Friday, January 2, 2009

Progress Report

We are still in Los Angeles, and I think we will stay for a few days. Yesterday we hung out around downtown L.A. and today we are doing Beverly Hills. And we're causing trouble. Take the pedestrian signal thing. We are totally not used to people's following pedestrian signals. We crossed the street onto Rodeo Dr., and a cop approached. Because he had a green light, we didn't cross into his lane and just stopped in the middle of the street. As we waited for him to drive by, he didn't. He stopped his car and began making some hand gesture at us. We thought he was being one of those crazy yet pedestrian-friendly L.A. drivers so we kept on walking. Actually, he was blown away that we walked out in the middle of the street without a signal right in front of a cop car. After we crossed the street he rolled down his window and asked us, "Are you serious??!" We kind of laughed and then he asked us where we were from. We replied "New Awlins," and he kind of gave us this look of pathetic understanding and kept driving. Wow.


  1. That's hilarious, they'll get you everytime!!!

  2. you are making me soooooo jealous!
    but could you please not scale any more walls! i think i will have to call in some anxiolytics to mom. you took like 10 years off her life!

  3. Paul,

    Thanks for contacting Team America at A Journey Into the Heart of America (It includes four of us, I'm Mike).

    We are actually from LA.

    We spent 4 months on the road last year and hit up 41 states, it was awesome.

    Here are some of my tips:
    *Live free - scream in the wind, live the on edge, challenge yourselves to not be yourselves.
    *Stay with people - find friends of family, and friends of friends...tell them that you only want to sleep on their floor for a night and that you won't eat their food. They will probably tell you that you can stay longer than a day and that they want to eat dinner with you. Also you get a better cultural experience and its also may want to bring wine, or something.
    *Don't get caught at shopping malls, or mini malls, they are all the same - they include a movie theater and some very typical stores.
    *Check out camping, its cheap and beautiful.

    While in LA I recommend going to the Hollywood bowl for a concert, checking out the Huntington Library in Pasadena and the Getty Museum for Art stuff. Oh yeah, if you get the chance head south and check out some of the smaller beaches in Orange County, they are some of the most beautiful in the world.

    If you need more tips or have any questions about trippin' feel free to contact me at mikemorabito -at-


  4. don't know who thought whom was crazier, two college guys shouting "You!" from their car or me a native Los Angelino leaning against a light poll. Good luck on your travels ... It's the 10->405->101->San Francisco!
