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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day One (Nawlins-Houston)

1 state behind us. __ to go. 

Literally, this excursion has no boundaries, no time frame. Wait. I lied; our limits are measured by the dollars to our names.  And mines about 2 weeks worth. 
The plan on this trip is to be as frugal as possible.  No hotels, not even hostels,  just camping with tents in National Parks and various campgrounds.  Both have pros and cons.  National Parks are more expensive ($25 a night) but are more luxurious than private campgrounds.  Private campgrounds have holes in their security, and sometimes you can arrive after office hours close and leave the next morning without paying.  Boys and girls, I don't condone this! 

Our Progress Report(7:29pm)
Day 1_ Louisiana is in the dust
Our wheels are in the rut of Houston, Texas.
We don't even have the slightest clue where we are sleeping. No worries.

Todd says not to worry

It's dark. It's raining pretty hard. We don't know where we are going to stay tonight. And I'm thinking this is a pretty good beginning. Things could be much much worse, and things will almost certainly get a lot worse before this whole thing is over. 
We left New Orleans at 1:30, and the idea was to get to a campground (before dark) somewhere between there and Big Bend National Park. I had woken up at 11:00 with a slight hangover and decided at about 11:15 that I was going to accompany Todd on this ridiculous trip. And that's about the total amount of planning we have going for us. Todd's driving now and we're about 10 miles from Beaumont, TX. I hope we manage to find a place to sleep tonight. But in any case, I've got my two favorite allies--the Chili Peppers and my computer. yehawww