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Sunday, December 28, 2008

A little climb...

Last night we were passing through Houston, and Todd told me we might be able to spend the night at his mom's empty apartment: one night without camping hassles, with Sony HD, enjoying the Houston nightlife, etc. Sounded good, but we didn't have a key or anything else to help get us in. Now we wouldn't let a little thing like that stop us. Todd managed to jump the front entrance gate and let the car in the exit. The front door was locked and so was the window. But maybe the balcony was better? ONly one way to find out--I climbed the 25 or so feet to the third floor and checked. We got lucky. And with dinner, too--I improvised a chicken dish that turned out quite well.


  1. From this day forward, my apartment windows will be kept locked...gee guys, I never thought it could be so easy to break into one's apartment that's located on the 3rd floor. You taught me a valuable lesson...keep all windows and doors locked at all times.

    From Todd's mom

  2. I believe that my prayers have kept you safe all these years. I am praying tonight that my prayers continue to work. But seeing the pics of you scaling that balcony makes me wonder why you put to test my faith so very much. I believe. I believe. I believe...
